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Showing posts from 2017

Vermeer Master Study

Master study of Vermeer's "Girl with the Pearl Earring" Once I added the background, she started to move forward on the panel. Some work is done on the face and fabric. First Day

Still Life

In all, I am pleased with learning the indirect painting technique. Most importantly, I learned the IMPORTANCE of a proper underpanting and a detailed grisaille.

I made the Leap!

I am proud to say that I made the leap and purchased Flake White. I really can see and feel a difference when compared to titianium or zinc white. I am a convert!

Color Study

Just finished my color study of ten transparent colors. All of the paints are from Gamblin except for Naples Yellow Light (Rembrandt) and Mixing white (Utrech). I really like the Gamblin's colors and Naples Yellow light. 16"x20" canvas panel