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Showing posts from 2016


12"x9" Acrylic on Canvas
24"x36" Mixed Media on canvas

Self Portrait

18" x 24" Charcoal on Paper  This is a self-portrait from a few years back. I probably need to update it. Plenty more gray hairs!

1st Commissioned Piece

18"x36" acrylic on canvas I just completed and delivered my first commission today. It was an interesting experience; when I say completed, it is really that the deadline came due and the customer was ready for it and wanted it on her wall. I could have spent hours and hours on this piece and it would have never met my expectations. Throughout the process I set up viewings for the customer is take a look and see if it was going in the direction that she wanted.  She was really pleased with a couple of the "happy accidents" on the canvas.  I guess that is why artists call it a commissioned work rather than "mine".